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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • How does a CEBR session go?
    Sessions are approximately 30 minutes. The process starts with me creating a hologram of your body in front of me. I connect with your energy and subconscious to go in and assess which chakras are open and which ones are stagnant. (Chakras that are open or stagnant are specific to CEBR sessions and does not mean they are or open or stagnant in general. All charkas are technically stagnant with trapped emotions but the subconscious is only allowing us to work on four per session. The open chakras simply means we are not working on them in this session.) Then, I go ahead and use applied kinesiology to muscle test which trapped emotions are causing issues. There are 10 different possible trapped emotions for each chakra; all related to that specific chakras functionality, or in this case dysfunctionality. We release five trapped emotions per chakra, that is stagnant. Sometimes we need to know who’s emotion it was that you might have taken on that blocked the chakra. We also sometimes need to know what age this trapped emotion occurred, (this is why I need to know your age for the session). I identify each emotional chakra blockage and then I use sound and color to clear it. Every chakra has a sacred seed sound associated with it. These sounds are known as a "Seed Mantra", or "Bija Mantra". These mantric words are used for sound healing with the chakras. I use the sacred chakra sound to release the blockages one by one. I also visualize the color of each chakra while each release is done. I then I’ll draw a triangle symbol over top of the chakra that was impaired to seal in positivity and good energy. The triangle symbolizes manifestation, enlightenment, perseverance, and revelation. I then end the session with healing energy to bless all energy centers and I disconnect from your energy. The session is then over, and you will be feeling a release for a few days as the emotional energy centers recalibrate. Doing this work every other week or so is suggested. Nothing is a quick fix. Being open to the work is imperative to healing. Some people feel wonderful after their first session and do not need any more. Some people need numerous sessions. It’s all dependent on the person and how many emotions they had to release in the chakras and which ones are not functioning properly. Everyone's path is different️. For the session… all you have to do is believe in the work and to be open. This allows me to work with your subconscious energy to release these chakra imbalances so you can relax for the session. If you can’t relax and are at work or busy, it doesn’t matter, the energy work still works through your energy field and subconscious.
  • What does the number next to the emotion mean?
    That’s the age that came up after I muscle tested your subconscious in asking “ what more do we need to know to release this trapped emotion ?” The age is simply a guidepost that your subconscious has shared with us that we need to know to release this trapped emotion. The age does not represent when this specific emotion started !!! It represents an age that it occurred (you can have many trapped emotions of let’s say anger over your life but this specific age is what we released during this specific session).
  • What does the name mean next to a emotion?
    This is a absorbed trapped emotion. Which means you absorbed this particular emotion from your mom or dad for example, you experienced their fear let’s say and it got trapped within you and your subconscious is telling us this is what we need to know to release this trapped emotion. The beauty is not only do we release this absorbed emotion from you energetically with this work but by you healing this, the person that you absorbed this from it is also released from!
  • What does a emotion with nothing next to it mean?
    This means that your subconscious, when I muscle tested it, asking the question “do we need to know anything more to release this trapped emotion?” I got a “no“ regarding that question. So, this means that we didn’t need to know anything more about this trapped emotion to release it and we released it in general. This means it was released from any time during your life in general .
  • How can you connect with my energy "over distance"?
    I get this question a lot. We are all energetic beings - for example, we can hear music but we cannot see the energy waves that carry the sound to our ears. That does not mean those waves do not exist. They have been scientifically measured. Have you ever wondered why prayer works? Pray is proven to work. Do we question prayer? Energy work is to be trusted in the same fashion. I can work with your energy, because energy does not see time or space. A lot of people ask, how do I know if it works? That is similar to asking a scientist why gravity works or why a bumble bee fly's. In doing so, defies all laws of physics. The point is made that energy healing cannot be understood in this classic, logical way. It requires a shift and logical thinking and the ability to trust the process. The universe that we perceive in this logical way is not truly the way that is seems. Physical reality doesn't define all reality. Therefore, I can work on your energy no matter where you are located in the world.
  • How does a Reiki session go?
    I will message you and give you some breath work to do, prior to session. Your session will start at its scheduled time. During your session, I will be allowing the reiki energy to go where it is needed; this will balance the chakras. If we need to delete any broadcast messages and cut any cords, I will do so. I will end the session with a triple layer protection to keep all the good energy in and the negative energy out. After approximately 30 minutes, your session will be complete. I will then comprise an email of everything that I did during your session.
  • Are these sessions done through Zoom or phone call?
    There is nothing that you need to see. This work, requires NO ZOOM or PHONE CALLS, (as I have found there’s a lot of anxiety around this for many people). A lot of people prefer No ZOOM or PHONE CALLS as it makes working flexible. I will be doing all the work energetically, eyes closed, working through your energy with the CEBR release program, in my sacred space. I will message you before the session begins, give you the breath work and CEBR review, which you can go ahead and listen to prior to our session. The CEBR review will make session notes make sense and should answer any questions you may have. You can do the breath work while I am working on you and your session or you can do the breath work at your own pace. The breath work is meant to relax you into the body. If you cannot do the breath work, that is ok too. Then, I will begin your session at our scheduled time. After approximately 30 minutes, I will message you with your CEBR session notes. If you have any questions at all before beginning the session, please feel free to ask and I would be more than happy to answer them for you. ️I look forward to working with you and getting your chakras running smoothly and releasing the baggage in them that has been holding you hostage for years!
  • Will I see immediate results?
    Energy work has amazing benefits to it. Most clients experience immediate results and continued benefits over days, weeks, or even months while others will notice gradual changes over time. The body prioritizes what it knows to be of utmost importance, the subconscious mind allows this flow of beneficial energy to promote well being, happiness, and a sense of confidence. Being confident in the fact that you can heal and that this energy work is helping you heal, is imperative to your healing. Practitioners hold space with a modality like this so that you are able to heal yourself. You mind is powerful what you think you can create!
  • Can you cure me or my animals?
    By law, an energy work practitioner cannot treat, cure, prevent, heal, diagnose, or mitigate any health issues. What energy work can do is assist the body in rebalancing and increase the ability to manifest what you would like to see in your health, in your life, and in your spirit. When the body is able to release trapped emotions that contribute to mental, physical, or spiritual issues, the body will feel lighter and you will feel free of the ball and chain of these emotions that are holding you back from health and happiness. Remember YOU are the miracle!
  • Do I have to do a session in person?
    Energy work is limitless. Think about looking up into the night sky. It is full of energy with stars, planets, and clouds. The vision is endless as is the flow of energy. We cannot feel the energy but we can see it in space with the beauty it shares with us on a clear night sky. When I connect to your subconscious mind, I am able to release non beneficial energies and emotions and send balancing frequencies to you or your animal anywhere in the world, "limitless energy" just as in space. There is no need to be on the phone, zoom or in person to have a successful session.
  • How do I book a session and what are your fees?
    To inquiry about a session please visit the services page on the website.
  • How long will I have to do sessions to release all trapped emotions?
    You will always have some... no matter what... they are trapped in vibrations, each vibration has them trapped in different templates, areas of life... as you release certain amounts you change vibration and you open access to the next layers... and so on... what makes a difference for each individual is different.. to come to a place to be in a vibration that jjst naturally releases certain things or doesn't trigger or phase you so you are creating them is individual... some are attached to deep rooted beliefs and the beliefs won't shift till enough of the emotional patterns attached to them have.. as you experience you also create so its just a matter of time and perseverance to be creating differently with any one area or all areas of your being... as you raise your vibration your can release more as you release more you can raise your vibration... when you find balamce you find balance... everyone is a different vibration starting and so has a different experience and who is content, happy, healthy and balanced in one range of vibrations, one place of being another isn't... very individual. You can never come to the end of emotions coming up as long as you only focus on emotions because they are not the issue. Emotions are only messengers, neural responses to energetic stimuli that let your conscious mind know there is an issue there that needs attention. When you resolve the issue there is no more triggering of the issue to produce the related emotional reminders. If the issue remains unresolved you will continue to gain different sorts of emotional reminders.
  • Do I have to be laying down and relaxed during a session?
    That is a choice that is up to you. The energy work will work overtime and space no matter what somebody is doing. I work with a lot of people and do sessions with them while they are taking care of their kids, when they are at work, and when they are even sleeping. So don’t let that deter you from a session !
  • What does open and stagnant mean?
    Chakras that are open or stagnant are specific to CEBR sessions and does not mean they are or open or stagnant in general. All charkas are technically stagnant with trapped emotions but the subconscious is only allowing us to work on four per session. The open chakras simply means we are not working on them in this session.
  • You mention you set a intention for each session, what role does intention play in healing? And what things if any can a healer do to strengthen their intention and positively impact the healing outcome?
    One can look at intention through many lenses: If you liken intention to a signal, then what determines the effectiveness is the clarity of said signal, its intensity, and its duration. However, does that mean that one needs to hold their head in their hands and try to will outcomes for long periods of time? I think we all agree that is probably not the best way to go. I like to combine clarity of intention with the field of the heart. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says, “clarity of intention coupled with the power of the heart yields a new reality.” The intention is holding the vision and the heart is the field that is effecting the transformation. Intention as a purely mental exercise does not yield many results. Another thing with intention is that it is a combination of doing and non-doing. What I mean by that is that it works best in my opinion, to set the intention up then let go/surrender. If we are holding on “too much”, we are attached to the outcome and the more we try to change something the less it does. So it is a balance between holding your intention and letting go/surrendering to the outcome.
  • Is it up to the clients soul whether particular healing takes place or not?
    Yes, if there’s a lesson that your soul wants you to learn, perhaps through experiencing some difficult situations/conditions, trying to bypass it through energy healing is not going to work. I don’t take that to mean that intention is not useful or powerful. It just means that you set up your intention, you let go and surrender, trusting that the best possible outcome will unfold, regardless of what seems to appear on the level of physical reality. Healing occurs when a, the healer holds the vision/new desired reality and the client resonates with that new reality, effectively shifting out of the old reality/condition. So if you look at it as resonance, that would explain why people get results from certain healers/modalities and not others. It’s not always a reflection on skill level of a healer but more a question of resonance or not, in the client soul .
  • Why is a trapped emotion (ex. anxiety) only coming up at a specific age when I know that I have had that trapped emotion over many years at many ages?
    This trapped emotion is specific to this session, so maybe you have a trapped emotion of, anxiety for example, coming up at a specific age, this does not mean that you do not have other trapped emotions of anxiety at many other ages, it is specific for this session only. If we do more sessions, anxiety, for example, May come up at many different ages, the subconscious simply is telling us that anxiety is coming up at this specific age, for this specific session, to be released. It does not mean that anxiety is not trapped as an emotion in many different ages. That’s why we do many sessions of CEBR to release trapped emotions at many ages, like peeling away the layers of an onion, we just keep peeling away these trapped emotions at different ages to make more room for the positive emotions.
  • What are your cancellation policies with Thrive Healing?
    When purchasing a single session or package session with Thrive Healing, all sales are final. We do not accept refunds. If you need to cancel and reschedule your current scheduled session with us, please contact us within 24 hours of your scheduled session to work with you to reschedule a new date/time for your session.
  • What are your hours and times for sessions?
    Thrive Healing is available for sessions Monday through Friday – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Eastern Time.
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